What about the "You Must buy a modem to connect to other hosts" when I already have one?
I don't mean what you said about games are done to make money ,but in this case it's simply impossible to move anywhere without paying money? It's a dead end ,to move to other mission or simply do the thing that the game is made for - Hacking ,you need to pay real money and without it,you have nothing to do in the game,you should rather create some offers to in which players have a choice of collecting GG coins for free by doing offers for which you get money too,both sides wins eh?
In all other games that are made for free , you at least have a choice,where for example wait to gain some money so you could buy something ,and by paying real money you gain an advantage above other players who don't pay,not like here where you simply are stuck and to move on,you have to pay

I get that you need money for the game servers but , understand that there is a dead end after we run out of coins,and I have seen the help section almost every one of the topics are about "Running out of coins" You have to find a way to keep players playing don't you? Because I don't think anyone will buy something for real money when there are almost no players at the moment only Bots,where can you see fun in that? If you want to gain more money from the game you should think of something in which players would keep playing and buy GG coins to gain an advantage above other players not an access to the rest of the game when others without playing can't do anything apart from wait or be hacked by somebody.