GG Radio 1.3
The new 1.3 version is online!! Enjoy!!
Server performance raised!!
Main Server performances raised for the best game experience.
I done all this night, sorry for the connections problem, and thx for the patience.
Videopokers restyle!!
ITA: Questa settimana tutti i vecchi videopokers saranno adattati al nuovo stile GGCoins e saranno GRATIS.
La Triple Cash è ormai completata. Le altre seguiranno man mano.
This week i will port all the old videopokers to the new GGCoins style turning them into FREE apps.
Triple Cash is about to be completed, than i will upload step by step the others.
Stay tuned!!!
Fowl Play
ITA : Siete pronti per Fowl Play Simulator???
ENG : Are you ready for Fowl Play Simulator???